So this is years comp is based in a fifty fifty split of pro judges weighted score and the public. So, in order to take down both I need a solid mix of technique, creativity, and current trends.
On the technique and creativity side I’m going to goo with a Saison-Wine hybrid, Blending a 5.5% saison with a local white wine (More to come) should give meh a great story to tell and a beer that stands out on the name card...but the execution will win over the pro judges. Finding a local wine that truly captures a robust flavor and aroma will be integral to being able to pull a blend t hat does not require more than 25% wine...the reason, the heat and high alcohol of the wine. I want the body to be from the beer, but accents from the wine, not alcohol and heat to capture the nuance of the blend.
The other thing t consider is the blend will benefit from the glycerol mouthfeel of the wine, to balance the dry character of the saison. At the end of the day the blending will be the. Lowest common denominator in determining the resulting beer. I think a solid grist of wheat will ensure the saisonis not too dry and can hold up against the adit8onal dryness of the wine....then, the glycerol brings in the final blow to any mouthfeel issues.
I will acquire multiple wines for the blend and am open to using more than one wine in the final product.
85% Pilsner
15% wheat
152 mash, 45 min boil, noble hops to balance only. I will consider a DH in the keg prior to bottling if I feel the wine and brew do not stand alone. Thinki Nelson to parallel up wine character.
25% total volume’ish wine to the keg directly and carb it up.